Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pictures, and almost no news

September 20, 2010

            Things are getting a little more routine here after the Idul Fitri Holiday, and we’re getting slightly more into the swing of things. I’ve decided not to write anymore about my frustrations with the kids’ school; they are predictable, in any case, and they all end up in the middle of Hell, literally, so there really isn’t any point. I will say that my early concerns that Seamus would have to put on some front to feel like he can fit in were unfounded – it turns out he just says what he thinks about stuff. He does say “Oh my goodness” now instead of the more blasphemous alternative, which is charming, really. Now we have to work in a more concerted way on his Indonesian language, and on getting him outside the confines (physically and psychologically) of the school grounds.
            We’re hoping to have internet access in our house sometime this week. Getting it has been somewhat of an ordeal, given our limited language skills and the necessity of a two visits now to the local Telcom office, where I have repeated my most uttered phrase (“Ma’af, saya belum mengerti.” – sorry, I don’t yet understand. Indonesians don’t like to say “not” or “no” – instead, they say “not yet,” or “less good” instead of “bad.” If I say “I don’t understand,” I think it sounds to most speakers like I have given up trying, and they feel a little bad for me.) When we have it, I presume there will be more posts than from only me, since I’ve been getting complaints about monopolizing the blog. In fact I am about to be slandered in this very blog, if my sources are correct.  Also, I’m tired of looking for other places besides home to write my posts – Indonesian internet is rather slow.
            I’m putting in a few pictures this time, a small sense of some of what we’ve been up to for the last week or so. I’ll post more later this week.
Laura and S at Bambu Bale, a beautiful and delicious restaurant near the small town of Kopeng outside Salatiga. We went there to try to go to a ropes course, but it was pouring rain, and we forgot all our rain gear, which is why S is so wet. 
S looking bewildered and G delighted by the concern of the women on the bus after we left our lunch at the above restaurant. They started hugging S and G because they were so wet and they were worried about them getting sick. The trip back to Salatiga, about 20 minutes, became a kind of bule comedy hour. Everyone found us extremely amusing.
G in hysterics at the attention, with his amused brother behind him, momentarily unhugged.

A  lovely tree frog waiting patiently at our back door one evening to be let out of our house. No idea how it got in, but it leaped with joy when we opened the door.
Laura and S on the ropes course that we finally visited, outside of Kopeng. This was a great day, with all kinds of ziplines and courses of varying levels - tarzan swings, tightropes, etc. etc. Strenuous and the perfect outing for everyone. Laura has never done anything like this in her life. 
G on one of the courses, looking out over the outskirts of Kopeng. Our local volcano is just to the right of the picture, sadly absent from this shot.

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